Sunday, 21 April 2013

Day One - The End

A little video of the last few yards and some photographic evidence to show the lads are still in one piece!


  1. Great work today lads, I'm really proud of you both!

    I bet the ice bath was a shock to the system!? And I bet they shriveled up like little prunes!?

    Get a good meal in you tonight, and a nice massage from Allen!

  2. Well done,1 down 6 to go!!

    hope you get a goodnights kip ready for another 26miles while us poor folk have to go work

  3. Amazed and in absolute awe of what you two are doing. Incredible of what you have done already to get to where you are now and what you still have to do!

    Hope the blisters have stayed away and the muscles hold out......keep it going!

  4. Congratulations....looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Keep it up!!! Conor asking "why is it taking 7 days?" don't think he fully appreciates what you have taken on!!
